Wednesday, April 12, 2023

third 3 course meal

Yellowtail Pinot Noir

On its own: The Pinot Noir is a deep red color with hints of pink. This wine smells fruity like cherry. It also has a cherry taste. It is very sweet but also tannic, it leaves my mouth feeling really dry. I am not usually a fan of red wines, but I did enjoy this one and would get it again. 

Paired with broccoli tots: I think this wine pairs well with the broccoli tots. It makes the broccoli flavor stand out even more above the cheese and decreases the tannic elements of the wine, which I enjoy because I am not a big fan of tannins. Overall, this was a pretty good pairing. 

Barefoot Sauvignon Blanc

On its own: This wine is a very pale yellow color that is bordering on green. It smells really fruity and refreshing, like pear. The wine tastes really refreshing as well. The alcohol flavor is strong but the wine stays tasting really sweet and there are hints of pear and also it is a bit sour like lemon. I enjoyed this wine and would get it again. 

Paired with peas: I do not like this pairing together at all. The peas make the flavor of the alcohol stand out even more, making it way too strong. The flavor of the alcohol covers up any other flavors present and completely ruins the pairing. I would not do this one again. 

F.J. Serra Chardonnay

On its own: This Chardonnay is a deep yellow color. It smells kind of woody with a hint of honey suckle. This wine is really strong which takes away from the flavors but it tastes kind of grassy. I do not enjoy this wine on its own. 

Paired with Chicken Nuggets: I do not really like this pairing, but the wine does taste better with the chicken nuggets. The nuggets take away from the alcohol flavors present, and the wine brings out the breddiness of the chicken nuggets. Despite not enjoying the wine on its own, I did really enjoy it when paired with the chicken nuggets. 

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third 3 course meal

Yellowtail Pinot Noir On its own: The Pinot Noir is a deep red color with hints of pink. This wine smells fruity like cherry. It also has a ...