Sunday, February 19, 2023

 Name: Raza

Variety: Arinto, Azal, and Trajadura

Region: Vino Verde

Country: Portugal

Year: 2021

Price: $15.99

My Review: At first glance, this wine is a medium yellow but almost green color. The alcohol smell is very strong but it also smells kind of citrusy, specifically lemon. This wine tastes really refreshing and leaves an interesting tingly sensation on my tongue almost acidic. It is a dry wine but isn't very tannic, it doesn't leave my mouth feeling dry, just tingly. This wine tastes like it has hints of pineapple and tastes a bit sour like lemon. Overall I really enjoyed this wine. 

Another Review:'s%20a%20simple%2C%20easy%20drinking,shellfish%2C%20fish%20or%20light%20meals. 

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