Tuesday, April 11, 2023

wine and cheese pairing

 Yellow Tail Pure Bright Sauvignon Blanc: 

On its own: This wine is a deep yellow, it smells kind of grassy and floral. It is very dry but not very tannic, despite how dry it is it leaves me feeling refreshed after drinking it. Overall I enjoy this wine on its own. 

Paired with the Fromager D'Affinois: This wine and cheese do pair well together. The wine brings out the cheesy flavors of the Fromager and the texture of the cheese brings pairs well with the refreshing-ness of the wine. The cheese also brigs out some more fruity and citrusy flavors in the wine like orange and makes it a bit sour like lemon. 

Fetzer Riesling: 

On its Own: This wine is yellow but bordering on green. It smells fruity like pear but also has notes of honey. This resiling is really sweet but slightly tannic and sour tasting at the end which I enjoyed. Overall. I really enjoyed this wine on its own. 

Paired with Smoked Gouda: This wine does not pair well with the smoked gouda. The sourness of the wine makes the cheese taste bad and the smokiness of the cheese brings out the alcohol flavors in the wine which I do not particularly enjoy. Overall, I do not like this pairing I think the cheese would go better with a much sweeter resiling. 

Dark Horse Chardonnay: 

On its Own: This Chardonay is a pale yellowish-green color. It smells kind of oakey and carmely, but tastes kind of grassy. I do not enjoy this wine on its own and would not purchase again. 

Paired with Herbed Gouda: I enjoyed this pairing, the gouda really overpowered the wine which I did not like so I liked that aspect of it, and also the wine brought the flavor of the herbs out of the cheese which you do not really get when eating the cheese on its own. Overall, I enjoyed this paring despite not liking the wine itself. 

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